Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Barbershop? Not quite...

So... i tried... Abhisaar, Sachin and me, sang the song together... three times in different tones... originally i was supposed to sing the lead, sachin the tenor and abhisaar the baritone... but Abhisaar couldn't keep the tune... so we decided to sing all of the parts together one by one... except the lead which no one could sing except me... this is how it turned out... pretty sad, but we had fun doing it... also, we were missing the bass... we thought Rustom might sing for us, but the idea abhorred him... :(

I hadn't made a video, and i didn't know how to just post just audio, so i took an old image and made a video out of it... :P

Barbershop training videos are available here... including the one we were trying to sing...


schizo said...


SMIT SHAH said...

Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!!!